Welcome to Military Schools For Girls

military girl

This website is designed to provide the public with general information about military schools for girls. Our goal is to cover all types of military schools including boarding schools, prep schools, and military high schools. Any parent with a troubled teenage girl can benefit from the information on boot camps, wilderness programs, or therapeutic boarding schools.  Learn how college prep or summer schools can help any girl prepare for college or a military career.

5 Military School Myths
5 military school myths. Thanks to military style behavior modification boot camps and Hollywood embellishments, many people don't realize that military schools are actually challenging academic programs for teens interested in achievement and success.
Summer School for Girls
Summer school for girls is an alternative to a military school or boarding school for your troubled teen . This article discusses achievement summer school programs and the costs associated with summer school for girls.
Military Summer School
Military summer school options are discussed here. Learn about the types of military summer school programs offered by Service Academies, programs to help gain entrance to a Service Academy, and summer programs offered by military prep schools.