Military School Info
Military School Info
Leadership Training
Reasons to Choose Girls Schools
Girls Military School Cost
Girls' Military School Curriculum
Military Discipline for Girls
Benefits of Uniforms
Applying to Military School
5 Military School Myths
Military School Life
Military School Values
Military Scholarships
Financial Aid for Military School
Benefits of Single Sex Education
Military School Alternatives
Girls Summer School
Boot Camps for Girls
College Prep Schools
Girls' Boarding Schools
Summer School for Girls
Wilderness Programs for Girls
Residential Treatment Facilities
Therapeutic Boarding Schools
Christian Boarding Schools
Short-Term Programs
Substance Abuse Boarding Schools
ADHD ADD Boarding Schools
Behavior Modification Programs
Military School Options
Welcome to Military Schools For GirlsThis website is designed to provide the public with general information about military schools for girls. Our goal is to cover all types of military schools including boarding schools, prep schools, and military high schools. Any parent with a troubled teenage girl can benefit from the information on boot camps, wilderness programs, or therapeutic boarding schools. Learn how college prep or summer schools can help any girl prepare for college or a military career. Financial Aid for Military School
Financial aid for military school is a lot easier to find than many parents might think. There are a variety of financial aid options for different types of military schools throughout the United States. Financial aid for military school is a great way to help your child get into a military program.
Behavior Modification Programs
Behavior modification programs are good opportunities for young men and women to get access to a program that will help get their life back on track. The teen years are full of many temptations and struggles for teens. Behavior modification programs are a chance for teens to learn how to grow as a successful young adult.
Military Summer School
Military summer school options are discussed here. Learn about the types of military summer school programs offered by Service Academies, programs to help gain entrance to a Service Academy, and summer programs offered by military prep schools.